Fig. 3. The SCS represents a 3D sieve that acts as a mechanical barrier to arrest lymph-derived activated CD4 T cells.
a In vivo imaging and three-dimensional reconstruction of an inflamed pop LN SCS after subcutaneous injection of TAMRA. White lines indicate measure points for SCS height and transverse distance between cells/fibers. b, c Quantitative analysis of SCS heights and transverse distances in resting (b) and in inflamed (c) pop LNs. d, e Immuno-fluorescence microscopy (d) and quantitative analysis (e) of latex bead positioning in popliteal LN SCS after intra-lymphatic injection of fluorescent latex particles (6 µm, green; 10 µm, blue; 15 µm, pink) showing the farthest distance along the SCS between beads of the same size; blue, counterstaining with anti-Lyve-1. f–i Immunohistology of popliteal LNs directly after i.l. injection of cells as indicated; j snapshot of i.l. live injection of activated PFA-treated CD4 T cells. a–c Representative images and analysis of 5–6 LNs analyzed per group in five independent experiments with 1–4 stacks/LN 5–13 measure points per LN stack. d–e LNs from seven mice in three independent experiments; f–i LN from six mice in two independent experiments; scale bars: b 10 µm; d, f, g, h, i 100 µm, e Mann Whitney test, ***p < 0.001; b, c, e red bars, mean.