Figure 1.
In vitro experimental design using V617F mutated cell line. In vitro time series fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) measurement of Ruxolitinib-treated SET-2 cells were used to estimate the growth rates of cells over a range of Ruxolitinib concentrations (0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2 µM). Birth and death rates were estimated from the time series FACS measurements of the cells stained with apoptosis and viability stains Annexin V and 7AAD, respectively. Each experimental replicate is represented by a different color. The x-axis shows the drug concentrations to which cells were exposed and the y-axes show the rates resulting from estimating the change in live and dead cells obtained from the FACS measurements over a time range of 48 hours for each concentrations of drug exposure. Mean line corresponds to the model fit to all the data and shaded region shows the 95% confidence interval obtained from fitting 100 bootstrapping samples.