Figure 4.
Transcriptome Feature of Spermatogonia Cells following Tet1 Deficiency or Aging
(A) PCA analysis of TPM showing differential gene expression pattern among 3 month-old WT and Tet1−/−, and 11 month-old WT and Tet1−/− spermatogonia and few spermatocytes.
(B) Correlation analysis. X axis represented the log10(TPM+1) of 11 month-old WT group, and Y axis represented the 1og10(TPM+1) of 3 month-old Tet1−/− spermatogonia cells. Their correlation coefficient was 0.99.
(C) Differential gene expression profile shown by pheatmap.
(D) GO enrichment analysis of specific genes with high expression levels in 3 month-old WT mice.
(E) Pheatmap showing the genes enriched in spermatogenesis and germ cell development.
(F) GO enrichment analysis of specific genes with high expression levels in 11 month-old Tet1−/− males.
(G) Pheatmap illustrating the genes enriched in nucleic acid binding transcription factor activity and immune system process.
See also Figures S5 and S6.