Schematic representation of the main metabolic pathways.
LC‐MS/MS was used to examine the metabolites in SGC7901 cells with or without UHMK1 knockdown. The data are shown in the heatmap.
(Upper panel) LC‐MS/MS analysis was performed to measure 15N‐glutamine‐labeled purine synthesis intermediates in BGC823 cells transfected with or without the WT‐UHMK1 or UHMK1‐K54R constructs. (Lower panel) LC‐MS/MS was used to analyze metabolites labeled with 13C‐glycine in BGC823 cells transfected with or without the WT‐UHMK1 or UHMK1‐K54R constructs (three biological replicates).
RNA and DNA with incorporated 14C‐glycine in BGC823 cells transfected with or without the WT‐UHMK1 or UHMK1‐K54R constructs were examined using LC‐MS/MS (three biological replicates).
qRT–PCR assays were used to analyze the effects of WT‐UHMK1 or UHMK1‐K54R on the genes controlling purine metabolism. Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation from three replicates. Unpaired two‐tailed statistical significance was assessed by Student's t‐test.
UHMK1 silencing significantly decreased SGC7901 cell proliferation, while ATIC overexpression or purine supplementation markedly reversed this inhibition. Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation from three replicates. Unpaired two‐tailed statistical significance was assessed by Student's t‐test.
Treatment with the ATIC inhibitor significantly reversed the proliferation of BGC823 cells induced by UHMK1 overexpression. Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation from three replicates. Unpaired two‐tailed statistical significance was assessed by Student's t‐test.
< 0.001, # marked no significance.