SIM imaging of mouse T cells activated for 5′ on APS, then treated with the indicated inhibitors or vehicle control. Shown are the representative SIM images (B), and quantification of actin foci (from the phalloidin images), talin, or pCasL in the contact interface (normalized to the mean value in the control case, C), and measured cell morphology aspect ratios (D, E). Since CK666 treatment reduces F‐actin intensity (Kumari
et al,
2015), the “actin” image of the CK666‐treated cell in (B) was contrasted differently than the “control” and “blebb.” cases for a clearer visualization of F‐actin.
P values, *
P = 0.02, **
P = 0.001, n.s. > 0.05. For the rest of the comparisons between the control and treatment cases,
P < 0.0001. For the bar graph in (B),
n for foci groups are 214, 83, 92, and 98; for pCasL groups are 100, 68, 91, and 92; and for talin groups are 102, 70, 89, and 93, respectively.
P value for the n.s. cases is > 0.05, *
P = 0.02. In the foci, pCasL, and talin groups, when not indicated, the
P values are < 0.0001 using Mann–Whitney two‐tailed test. Central values in the graphs represent Mean, and error bars represent ± SEM
. These experiments were repeated at least thrice with similar results. Scale bar, 5 μm.