Figure 6.
Deletion of Saa1/2 in mice impaired the clearance of S. aureus in the skin. A, WT and SAA1/2DKO littermates were analyzed at 8 weeks of age by quantitative PCR for Saa1/2 gene expression in S. aureus-infected skin (n = 5). B, bacterial counts from S. aureus–infected WT and SAA1/2 DKO mouse cutaneous abscesses. C, abscesses areas of S. aureus–infected WT and SAA1/2 DKO mice. Mice were subcutaneously infected for 4 days (n = 4–5). D, IL-6 mRNA levels in the infected skin were determined by quantitative PCR and are expressed relative to the levels in uninfected WT mice (n = 5). E, SAA mRNA expression in skin of WT and Il6−/− mice infected with S. aureus (n = 3–5). Significant differences versus control group are indicated by asterisks: *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01. Error bars, S.E.M.