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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Nov 1.
Published in final edited form as: Med Phys. 2019 Nov 26;47(1):201–212. doi: 10.1002/mp.13881

Table II.

Comparison of relative dose of chest to umbilicus calculated from measurements of Cherenkov (after prospective correction), IVD, and optical stimulated luminescent dosimeter (OSLD). The IVD values labeled with “*” are corrected with the OSLD measurements while those in parentheses are excluded from the study due to compromised diode readings. The mean and overall relative standard deviation (stdev, %) is calculated using ∑σ/n and σ2n1. For OSLD, patient 5 data were excluded; for diodes, data in () were excluded. Data for patients 7 and 11 were affected by room light and thus excluded from data analysis. Cherenkov data for AP of patient 14 and 15 were not taken. Treatment types: W—whole body; P—partial body, including shielding of the head, upper, and/or lower bodies.

Patient label Type Postures Cherenkov w prospective corr. OSLD Error, OSLD to Cherenkov (%) Diode Error, diode to Cherenkov (%)
2 P AP 0.92 0.90 −2.2 0.85 −7.5
LAO 0.90 0.85 −6.1 0.94 4.5
RAO 0.90 0.85 −5.7 1.05 16.4
3 W AP 0.97 1.00 2.8 1.02* 4.4*
LAO 1.00 0.99 −1.6 1.03* 2.6*
RAO 0.96 0.99 3.9 1.01 5.9
4 W AP 0.94 0.97 3.5 1.10 17.5
LAO 0.98 1.00 2.1 1.08 10.8
RAO 0.99 1.00 1.4 1.03 4.9
5 P AP 0.42 0.34 −18.6 0.38 −9.2
LAO 0.46 0.38 −16.2 0.44 −2.8
RAO 0.52 0.38 −26.5 0.45 −13.3
6 P AP 0.92 0.90 −2.1 0.92 0.0
LAO 0.97 0.99 2.0 0.89* −8.8*
RAO 1.03 0.99 −4.2 0.97 −6.0
8 P AP 0.95 0.96 0.6 1.01 6.0
LAO 0.93 0.94 0.9 1.05 12.7
RAO 0.96 0.94 −2.2 1.06 9.7
9 P AP 0.92 0.91 −0.4 0.99 7.4
LAO 0.96 0.94 −1.2 1.24* 30.0*
RAO 0.93 0.94 1.1 1.01 7.8
10 W AP 1.00 0.99 −0.8 1.00 0.1
LAO 0.99 0.98 −1.3 1.13* 15.9*
RAO 0.97 0.98 0.5 1.05 6.4
12 W AP 0.96 0.97 0.9 0.97 0.8
LAO 0.99 0.99 −0.2 −0.71 (−28.0)
RAO 0.98 0.99 0.5 −0.77 (−21.7)
13 W AP 0.86 0.88 2.7 1.04 22.0
LAO 0.97 0.99 2.2 1.00 2.2
RAO 0.98 0.99 1.1 1.22* 26.6*
14 W LAO 0.97 0.98 0.6 1.00 3.0
RAO 0.97 0.98 1.0 1.13* 16.0*
15 P LAO 0.92 0.93 0.8 0.57 (−37.8)
RAO 0.90 0.93 2.6 0.61 (−32.3)
16 W AP 0.99 0.96 −3.0 1.00 5.9
LAO 1.02 1.01 −1.4 1.10 1.5
RAO 0.99 1.01 2.1 1.08 6.0
17 W AP 0.98 1.02 4.4 1.04 5.9
LAO 1.00 1.00 0.2 1.05 1.5
RAO 1.03 1.00 −2.9 1.06 6.0
18 W AP 1.00 1.01 1.0 0.98 −2.1
LAO 1.01 1.03 2.2 1.07 5.6
RAO 1.01 1.03 1.6 1.14 13.0
Mean ± SD (%) 0.2 ± 2.4 7.1 ± 11.5