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. 2020 Feb 27;10(2):e034133. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034133

Table 3.

Risky driving behaviours, infrastructure setup and practices among drivers in Mekelle city, Northern Ethiopia, 2015

Variables Category RTA Total (%) P value
n (%)
n (%)
Cell phone use while driving Yes 31 (32.29) 65 (67.71) 96 (39.02) 0.007
No 26 (17.33) 124 (82.67) 150 (60.98)
Substance use Alcohol 14 (32.6) 29 (67.4) 92 (37.40) 0.026
Chat 11 (36.7) 19 (63.3) 43 (17.48)
Cigarette 32 (18.5) 141 (81.5) 30 (12.20)
Seat belt use Yes 44 (21.6) 160 (78.4) 204 (82.93) 0.189
No 13 (30.9) 29 (69.0) 42 (17.07)
What do you do when another vehicle tries to pass you? I advise him to slow down 4 (12.5) 28 (87.5) 32 (13.01) 0.028
I give him priority 42 (29.2) 102 (70.8) 144 (58.54)
I speed up 11 (15.71) 59 (84.29) 70 (28.46)
Road infrastructure Gravel 5 (16.7) 25 (83.3) 30 (12.2) 0.117
Asphalt 39 (28.1) 100 (71.9) 77 (31.3)
Cobble stone 13 (16.9) 64 (83.1) 139 (56.5)
Service provision of the vehicle as per the manufacturer recommendation No 3 (5.26) 6 (3.17) 9 (3.66) 0.462
Yes 54 (94.74) 183 (96.83) 237 (96.34)
Visual impairment No 180 (95.24) 53 (92.980 233 (94.72) 0.505
Yes 9 (4.76) 4 (7.02) 13 (5.28)
No violation rule for the speed limit No 7 (3.70) 5 (8.770 12 (4.880 0.119
Yes 182 (96.30) 52 (91.23) 234 (95.12)
Listen radio while driving No 47 (22.81) 13 (24.87) 60 (24.39) 0.751
Yes 142 (75.13) 44 (77.19) 186 (75.61)
What did you do in heavy traffic? Either pass or stay 1 (0.53) 2 (3.51) 3 (1.22) 0.069
Pass fast 10 (5.29) 6 (10.53) 16 (6.50)
Slow speed 178 (94.18) 49 (85.96) 227 (92.28)
Ever received a ticket, citation or warning for any traffic violation No 113 (59.79) 27 (47.37) 140 (56.91) 0.097
Yes 76 (40.21) 30 (52.63) 106 (43.09)
