Table 1.
Variable | YA | MA | OA | All |
Episodes Regulated | .46 (.23) | .43 (.27) | .46 (.28) | .45 (.26) |
Situation Selectiona | .70 (.26) | .62 (.28) | .78 (.24) | .70 (.27) |
Avoid negativeb | .16 (.16) | .25 (.20) | .15 (.19) | .19 (.19) |
Seek positiveb | .44 (.25) | .35 (.23) | .52 (.26) | .44 (.25) |
Seek negativeb | .05 (.08) | .02 (.04) | .03 (.05) | .03 (.06) |
Stay in situationb | .11 (.13) | .05 (.06) | .09 (.11) | .08 (.11) |
Situation Modificationa | .67 (.23) | .71 (.26) | .79 (.21) | .73 (.24) |
Less negativeb | .17 (.16) | .28 (.23) | .18 (.16) | .21 (.19) |
More positiveb | .42 (.24) | .42 (.24) | .53 (.24) | .46 (.24) |
More negativeb | .03 (.05) | .02 (.04) | .01 (.02) | .02 (.04) |
Accept situationb | .13 (.15) | .09 (.12) | .11 (.19) | .11 (.16) |
Attentional Deploy.a | .60 (.24) | .63 (.30) | .72 (.26) | .65 (.27) |
Distract from negb | .31 (.24) | .28 (.23) | .24 (.22) | .27 (.23) |
Attend toward pos.b | .33 (.22) | .37 (.24) | .47 (.24) | .39 (.24) |
Attend toward negb | .05 (.10) | .05 (.09) | .05 (.09) | .05 (.09) |
Cognitive Changea | .58 (.24) | .61 (.28) | .66 (.30) | .62 (.27) |
Detached reappraisalb | .19 (.18) | .22 (.20) | .19 (.21) | .20 (.20) |
Positive reappraisalb | .29 (.18) | .35 (.25) | .36 (.24) | .33 (.23) |
Negative Focusb | .08 (.12) | .06 (.09) | .05 (.09) | .06 (.10) |
Accept emotionsb | .16 (.17) | .10 (.16) | .10 (.12) | .12 (.15) |
Response Modulationa | .34 (.22) | .41 (.29) | .40 (.29) | .38 (.27) |
Suppress expressionb | .11 (.12) | .12 (.14) | .14 (.18) | .12 (.15) |
Mask with positiveb | .16 (.12) | .20 (.22) | .16 (.18) | .17 (.18) |
Exaggerate/Expressb | .08 (.10) | .12 (.18) | .11 (.15) | .10 (.15) |
Othera | .11 (.22) | .14 (.17) | .19 (.23) | .15 (.21) |
Note. Proportions are a function of the number of valid surveys (excluding missing data).
Strategy-level items were forced choice questions in which participants could choose only yes or no.
Tactic-level items were checkbox questions in which participants could choose as many answers as applied.
Participants only saw the regulation subtypes if they indicated “yes” to using the main strategy; they could choose as many as applied. Neg = negative; pos = positive.