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. 2020 Feb 24;10:1011. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.01011

Table 3.

Participant characteristics.

All Patients Unequivocal VH Ambiguous VH Unequivocal non-VH Statistic Significance
Sample Size 70 32 32 6
Primary Trauma-Related Diagnosis χ2 = 8.860 p = 0.065
 PTSD without dissociation, No. (%) 16 (22.9%) 4 (12.5%) 8 (25.0%) 4 (66.7%) χ2 = 8.561 p = 0.014
 PTSD Dissociative Subtype, No. (%) 17 (24.3%) 8 (25.0%) 8 (25.0%) 1 (16.7%) χ2 = 0.207 p = 0.902
 PTSD + Major Dissociative Disorders 37 (52.9%) 20 (62.5%) 16 (50.0%) 1 (16.7%) χ2 = 4.453 p = 0.108
  PTSD + DDNOS, No. (%) 3 (4.3%) 0 (0.0%) 3 (9.4%) 0 (0.0%)
  PTSD + DID, No. (%) 34 (48.6%) 20 (62.5%) 13 (40.6%) 1 (16.7%)
Co-occurring Disorders
 Current Major Depressive Disorder 5 (7.1%) 3 (9.4%) 1 (3.1%) 1 (16.7%) χ2 = 1.840 p = 0.399
 Borderline Personality Disorder 15 (21.4%) 6 (18.8%) 7 (21.9%) 2 (33.3%) χ2 = 0.645 p = 0.724
Age 1 , median (range), y 31 (18–62) 31.5 (18–61) 30 (18–60) 32 (21–62) χ2 = 0.665 p = 0.717
IQ, mean ± SD 2 118.3 ± 8.6 118.0 ± 8.4 119.0 ± 8.7 116.7 ± 9.9 F = 0.201 p = 0.819
Parental Education, No. (%) 3 35 (51.5%) 16 (51.6%) 16 (51.6%) 3 (50.0%) χ2 = 0.006 p = 0.997
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) 1,4 , median (range) 79 (38–119)* 86 (27–119)* 75 (38–113) 62.5 (52–79) χ2 = 3.875 p = 0.144
 Emotional Abuse 18 (6–25) 18 (5–25) 18 (8–25) 17 (11–19) χ2 = 1.568 p = 0.457
 Physical Abuse 10 (5–25) 12 (5–23) 10 (5–25) 8 (5–19) χ2 = 1.184 p = 0.553
 Sexual Abuse 21 (5–25)* 21 (5–25)*, 17 (5–25) 10 (5–22) χ2 = 6.218 p = 0.045
 Emotional Neglect 18 (5–25) 19 (7–25) 17 (5–25) 14.5 (7–24) χ2 = 1.034 p = 0.596
 Physical Neglect 12 (5–21) 12 (5–21) 12 (5–21) 10 (6–13) χ2 = 1.002 p = 0.606
MID Severe Dissociation Score, mean ± SD 89.3 ± 41.3 99.6 ± 43.8 85.2 ± 38.0 56.0 ± 24.2 F = 3.315 p = 0.042
PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) Score, mean ± SD 52.3 ± 13.6 50.0 ± 16.1 55.2 ± 9.1 49.0 ± 18.4 F = 1.355 p = 0.265
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), mean ± SD 29.0 ± 10.8 32.7 ± 11.5 27.9 ± 10.9 25.8 ± 6.8 F = 1.886 p = 0.160
Medication 5
 Antipsychotics, No. (%) 30 (47.6%) 14 (43.8%) 11 (34.4%) 5 (83.3%) χ2 = 3.853 p = 0.146
 Antidepressants, No. (%) 46 (73.0%) 19 (59.4%) 21 (65.6%) 6 (100.0%) χ2 = 3.101 p = 0.212
 Mood Stabilizers, No. (%) 25 (39.7%) 12 (37.5%) 10 (31.3%) 3 (50.0%) χ2 = 0.486 p = 0.784
 Sedative-Hypnotics, No. (%) 33 (52.4%) 15 (46.9%) 15 (46.9%) 3 (50.0%) χ2 = 0.035 p = 0.983
Race χ2 = 8.344 p = 0.401
 White, No. (%) 61 (87.1%) 30 (93.8%) 25 (78.1%) 6 (100%)
 Black, No. (%) 3 (4.3%) 1 (3.1%) 2 (6.3%) 0 (0%)
 Asian, No. (%) 4 (5.7%) 0 (0%) 4 (12.5%) 0 (0%)
 American Indian, No. (%) 1 (1.4%) 0 (0%) 1 (3.1%) 0 (0%) -
 Other, No. (%) 1 (1.4%) 1 (3.1%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Ethnicity χ2 = 3.591 p = 0.464
 Hispanic, No. (%) 2 (2.9%) 0 (0%) 2 (6.2%) 0 (0%)
 Non-Hispanic, No. (%) 67 (95.7%) 31 (96.9%) 30 (93.8%) 6 (100%)
 Prefer not to answer, No. (%) 1 (1.4%) 1 (3.1%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

1Age and CTQ scores were not normally distributed, thus the Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted. 2Eight participants are missing WASI IQ scores (4 unequivocal VH+; 4 ambiguous VH+). 3At least one parent with a 4-year college degree; two participants are missing information on parental education level (1 unequivocal VH+; 1 ambiguous VH+). 4Two participants are missing CTQ scores (1 unequivocal VH+; 1 ambiguous VH+). 5Seven participants are missing information on medication (3 unequivocal VH+; 4 ambiguous VH+). *One participant declined to answer questions from the Sexual Abuse subscale of the CTQ. The statistical tests, including the mean and standard deviation, of the Sexual Abuse subscale and the total CTQ score are reflective of this. No significant difference was detected between unequivocal VH+ and ambiguous VH+ groups in the post hoc test.

Statistics in which at least one of the three groups is significantly different (p < 0.05) are shown in bold.