Table 1.
Object | Assigned tool name | Assigned family name | Assigned actions: Manip. group | Assigned locations: Spatial group |
Object a | Voothe | Hinch | Power, shave | Upright, shelf |
Object b | Krel | Hinch | Poke, shave | Side, shelf |
Object c | Whemp | Hinch | power, drill | upright, floor |
Object d | Yerts | Hinch | Poke, drill | Side, floor |
Object e | Dorth | Thull | Poke, shave | Side, shelf |
Object f | Klarve | Thull | Power, shave | Upright, shelf |
Object g | Screll | Thull | Poke, drill | Side, floor |
Object h | Fultch | Thull | Power, drill | Upright, floor |
Four participants received this mapping. For other groups of four subjects, the names, as well as the actions/locations, were pseudorandomly reassigned to create a novel mapping. Overall, each object was associated with a unique combination of name, family, and action/spatial information