ICD-9 and CPT Index Surgery Procedure Codes for Upper Aerodigestive Tract Surgeries.
Code | Description |
ICD-9 | |
25.1–4, 25.59, 25.94, 25.99 | Glossectomy |
27.1, 27.31–32, 27.71–72, 27.79 | Palate/uvula surgery |
27.49, 27.99 | Other operations on oral cavity |
28.2–3, 28.6, 28.92, 28.99 | Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy |
28.5 | Excision of lingual tonsil |
29.0, 29.32–33, 29.39, 29.4, 29.99 | Pharyngeal resection |
30.01, 30.09, 30.1, 30.21–22, 20.29, 31.5 | Partial laryngectomy |
31.98 | Other operations on larynx |
CPT | |
40810, 40816, 41116 | Excision of mouth lesion |
41110–41114, 41120, 41130, 41135, 41140, 41153, 41599, 41530, | Glossectomy |
41512 | Tongue suspension |
41820, 41822–41827 | Excision of alveolar lesion |
42104, 42106, 42107, 42120, 42140, 42145, 42180, 42182, 42299 | Palate/uvula surgery |
42450 | Excision sublingual gland |
42820, 42821, 42825, 42826, 42830, 42831, 42835, 42836 | Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy |
42808, 42842, 42844, 42845, 42890, 42892, 42894, 42950, 42999 | Pharyngeal resection |
42870 | Excision of lingual tonsil |
31510, 31512 | Laryngoscopy with biopsy |
31300, 31320, 31370, 31375, 31380, 31382, 31400, 31420 | Partial laryngectomy |
CPT = Current Procedural Terminology; ICD-9 = International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition.