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. 2018 Jul 5;4:28. doi: 10.1186/s40795-018-0236-9

Table 4.

Water source, sanitation and hygienic characteristics of the respondents from food secure and food insecure households of Albuko district, northeast Ethiopia, 2017

Characteristics Food secure HHs
Food insecure HHs
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Sources of water
 Protected source 477 90.5 441 86.1 918 88.4
 Unprotected source 50 9.5 71 13.9 121 11.6
Amount of water used (litter)
 <40 201 38.1 194 37.9 395 38.0
>40 326 61.8 318 62.1 644 61.9
Time spent to water (minutes)
 <30 363 68.9 346 67.6 709 68.2
>30 164 31.1 166 32.4 330 31.8
Latrine availability
 Yes 413 78.4 476 93.0 889 85.6
 No 114 21.6 36 7.0 150 14.4
Types of latrine
 Pit 409 99.1 464 97.4 873 98.2
 Flush 0 0 2 0.4 2 0.2
 Ventilated improved 4 0.9 10 2.2 14 1.6

HHs households

Time spent to water: the time it takes to reach to water source (for single trip)