Kaplan-Meier survival curves for QuRiS on patients a) for entire cohorts, b) patients who received surgery alone on (c) patients with surgery + ACT for differentiating long-term and short-term DFS. The threshold was developed using training cohort ai) D1 (N=329). bi) Subset analysis on patients who received surgery alone D1s (N=256) and ci) patients who received surgery + ACT D1a (N=73). The similar performance was observed using the same threshold on two independent validation cohorts. Validation cohort-1 using aii) D2 (N=144) bii) D2s (N=81) and cii) D2a (N=33). Validation cohort-2 using aii) D3 (N=82) bii) D3s (N=58) and cii) D3a (N=25). In the surgery alone group, there were two distinctive subsets, one with poor disease-free survival indicating high risk of recurrence. QuRiS was able to define high-risk group from this clinically defined low-risk cohort who received surgery and potentially would benefit from adjuvant-chemotherapy. In the ACT subgroup analysis, we did not see any significant difference between high-risk and low-risk groups, potentially suggesting this group had a subset of patients who received benefit from ACT and had better survival.