Pulsatile in vitro results for VENC set 50/75/150 cm/s. I, Systolic and diastolic streamlines for a single-VENC acquisition (A) and the triple-VENC (B) dataset. Systolic streamlines show reduction in velocity noise in the unwrapped triple-VENC (triconditional) compared with single-VENC datasets (white arrows, zoomed in); however, this effect is seen more prominently in diastole, where the streamlines are noticeably more collinear at the more complex bends in the phantom. IA, Location of ten 2D analysis planes for quantification of peak velocities and flow time curves. White rectangle indicates location evaluated for number of voxels unwrapped in Table 3. II, Flow time curves over 6 representative planes show agreement between the iVENC unwrapped triple-VENC and unwrapped dual-VENC, and the corresponding single-VENC scan