Timeline of sequencing-based single-cell technologies for simultaneous analysis of combinations of the genome, transcriptome and epigenome, showing the basic methods for individual technologies and the biological info rmation that can be obtained using these platforms. BS-seq, bisulfite sequencing; DR-seq, DNA and mRNA sequencing; G&T-seq, genom e and transcriptome sequencing; PBAT-seq, post-bisulfite adaptor tagging sequencing; scCOOL-seq, single-cell chromatin overall omic-scale landscape sequencing; scM&T-seq, single-cell methylome and transcriptome sequencing; scNMT-seq, single-cell nucleosome, methylation and transcription sequencing; scNOMe-seq, single-cell nucleosome occupancy and methylome sequencing; scRRBS, single-cell reduced representation bisulfite sequencing; scTrio-seq; single-cell triple omics sequencing.