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. 2009 Sep;30(8):1552–1560. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A1640

Table 6:

Pair-wise comparisons*

Groups and Dependent Variables
Mean Difference (I-J) Standard Error Significance (a) 95% Confidence Interval for Difference (α)
(I) Group (J) Group Upper Bound Lower Bound
R Put Vol (cm3)
    AD Controls .009 .150 1.000 −.425 .444
FTD .698 .186 .003 .161 1.236
PNFA .576 .206 .065 −.019 1.171
SD .512 .181 .061 −.012 1.037
    Control AD −.009 .150 1.000 −.444 .425
FTD .689 .175 .002 .183 1.195
PNFA .567 .196 .051 −.001 1.134
SD .503 .171 .045 .006 .999
    FTD AD −.698 .186 .003 −1.236 −.161
Control −.689 .175 .002 −1.195 −.183
PNFA −.123 .228 1.000 −.783 .538
SD −.186 .204 1.000 −.778 .405
    PNFA AD −.576 .206 .065 −1.171 .019
Control −.567 .196 .051 −1.134 .001
FTD .123 .228 1.000 −.538 .783
SD −.064 .219 1.000 −.699 .571
    SD AD −.512 .181 .061 −1.037 .012
Control −.503 .171 .045 −.999 −.006
FTD .186 .204 1.000 −.405 .778
PNFA .064 .219 1.000 −.571 .699
L Put Vol (cm3)
    AD Control .058 .166 1.000 −.422 .539
FTD .231 .205 1.000 −.363 .826
PNFA .482 .227 .374 −.176 1.140
SD .438 .200 .322 −.143 1.018
    Control AD −.058 .166 1.000 −.539 .422
FTD .173 .193 1.000 −.386 .733
PNFA .424 .217 .546 −.204 1.052
SD .379 .190 .492 −.170 .928
    FTD AD −.231 .205 1.000 −.826 .363
control −.173 .193 1.000 −.733 .386
PNFA .251 .252 1.000 −.480 .981
SD .206 .226 1.000 −.448 .860
    PNFA AD −.482 .227 .374 −1.140 .176
control −.424 .217 .546 −1.052 .204
FTD −.251 .252 1.000 −.981 .480
SD −.045 .243 1.000 −.747 .658
    SD AD −.438 .200 .322 −1.018 .143
control −.379 .190 .492 −.928 .170
FTD −.206 .226 1.000 −.860 .448
PNFA .045 .243 1.000 −.658 .747

Based on estimated marginal means.

Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.

The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.