(A–C) Changes overtime in the average strength of functional connectivity for the specific region where changes from baseline to 24 weeks in group-level spatial map co-activation were observed. Graph A illustrates changes in the left frontal orbital cortex (MNI: –36, 27, –22) for SS06; right precentral/postcentral gyri (MNI: 36, –22, 58) for SS16, left frontal lobule/superior frontal gyrus (MNI: –18, 42, 31, BA 9) for SS23, and left occipital fusiform gyrus/lateral occipital cortex (–40, –74, –16, BA 19) for SS30. Graph B illustrates changes in the left occipital fusiform gyrus (MNI: –40, –68, –22) for DS06 and left inferior temporal gyrus (MNI: –48, –10, –32) for DS08. Graph C illustrates changes in the right temporal lobe (MNI: 46, 18, –40, BA 38) for PA15 and left middle temporal gyrus (MNI: –60, –32, –8) for PA34. Data are presented as mean difference from baseline to 24 weeks and associated confidence interval, along with p-values for significant changes. Note: SS, Spatial Span; DS, Digit Span; PA, Paired Associates-independent components; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates; BA, Brodmann area.