The most commonly used time intervals including goal and actual
(a) The different combination schemes of timing to surgery and
BED10 with OTT correction, including distribution of goal
time intervals. The upper color in the right means higher frequency of
use in clinical practices; and (b) the correlation between goal and
actual intervals, including distribution of time to surgery of the
National Cancer Database. In most trials, the median values of actual
time intervals were presented, but the mean values were seldom reported.
Moreover, a linear function was fitted to the mean values of both goal
and true time intervals, and the fitting parameter was 1.01 ± 0.09. If
the goal interval was represented by a range using the sign of ‘> or
⩾’, the minimum value was used in this figure, and the sign of ‘→’ was
attached. Otherwise, we used the mean values of goal interval.
BED, biologically effective dose; OTT, overall treatment time; p0, the
fitting parameter; Prob, probobility; ndf, the number of degrees of