Figure 2.
Effects of exogenous TNF-α on the expression of the PTX3 in gastric cancer cells. A. The viability assay of rhTNF-α on the BGC-823 as well as SGC-7901 cells through the CCK-8 assay.There had no inhibitory and toxic effects on the two cells at 24 hours and 48 hours at different concentrations of rhTNF-α (0,10,20,40,60ng/ml). B.Five different concentrations (0,10,20,40,60ng/ml) of rhTNF-α were added to BGC-823 as well as SGC-7901 cells. Both cells displayed suggestively reduced expression of PTX3 in a concentration-dependent manner (0,10,20,40,60ng/ml) via qRT-PCR and western blotting.