Knockdown of FGD1 represses activation of PI3K/AKT signaling in osteosarcoma cells. A-C, MNNG/HOS cells were transfected with indicated constructs for 48h. Cells were subjected to RNA-seq analysis (A and B) and subsequent KEGG pathway enrichment (C). D, The whole cell lysates (WCL) of U-2OS, MG63 and MNNG/HOS cells after transfected with indicated constructs for 72 h. E, U-2OS, MG63 and MNNG/HOS cells were subjected to measuring the IC50 values of MK2206 after transfected with indicated shRNAs (shFGD1m means mixed with two different shRNA). The IC50 values as indicated. F-J, MNNG/HOS cells were infected with indicated constructs. After 72 h infection, cells were harvested for FACS assay (F) and MTS assay (G). Then, MNNG/HOS cells were subcutaneously into the nude mice for xenografts assay (H). The tumor growth curve (I) and the excise tumor mass (J) as indicated. ***, P < 0.001.