Compare the OS, PFS and EFS between Group 1 and Group 2, Group 3 and Group 4, respectively. Group1 had considerably better OS, PFS and EFS than Group 2, and the differences were statistically significant. Moreover, the OS, PFS, and EFS of Group 4 were notably worse than that of Group 3; and a statistically significant difference in EFS was observed. Abbreviations: OS: overall survival, PFS: progression-free survival, EFS: event-free survival, Group 1: the patients with BCR-ABL1IS ≤10% and halving time of BCR-ABL1 transcript ≤40days, Group 2: the patients with BCR-ABL1IS ≤10% and halving time >40 days, Group 3: the patients with BCR-ABL1IS >10% and halving time ≤40 days, Group 4: the patients with BCR-ABL1IS >10% and halving time >40 days.