Table 2.
R packages used in the GenomeQC web-application
R package | Short Description |
Shiny version 1.5.9 | Package to build interactive web applications with R |
Tools [17] | Package for file utilities |
Seqinr [18] | Package for handling biological sequence data |
Biostrings [19] | Package for manipulating biological sequences |
R.utils [20] | Package for handling gunzipped files |
Tidyverse [21] | Package for formatting and plotting data |
Gridextra [22], grid [22], cowplot [23] | Package provides graphical layout capabilities to R |
Reshape [24] | Package for formatting and aggregating the data |
shinyWidgets [25] | Package for customizing input widgets in R shiny applications |
shinyBS [26] | Package for adding action and toggle buttons and popover to input or output |
Promise, future and multisession [27] | Package that provides async programming in R to handle long-running operations that run in the background |