Wnt5a+ TAMs exert tumor-promoting effects via CCL2. A The potential cytokines in Wnt5a+ TAMs or Wnt5a-treated M0 macrophages, which promoted tumor progression and macrophage infiltration, were identified by RT-qPCR. Error bars, SEM. B CCL2 secretion level in Wnt5a+ TAMs or Wnt5a-treated M0 macrophages was detected by ELISA. Error bars, SEM. C Cell viability of CRC cells treated with sh-NC TAM supernatant with or without CCL2 Ab, sh-Wnt5a TAM supernatant with or without recombinant CCL2. Error bars, SEM. D Transwell migration assay of CRC cells treated with sh-NC TAM supernatant with or without CCL2 Ab, sh-Wnt5a TAM supernatant with or without recombinant CCL2. (magnification, ×100). E Quantification analysis of migratory cells in five fields was counted manually. Error bars, SEM. F Chemotaxis analysis of THP-1 macrophages toward sh-NC TAM supernatant with or without CCL2 Ab, sh-Wnt5a TAM supernatant with or without recombinant CCL2. (magnification, ×100). G Quantification analysis of chemotactic cells in five fields was counted manually. Error bars, SEM. **P< 0.01. ***P<0.001