Table 2.
VBM brain regions showing GM differences between tinnitus patients and healthy subjects.
MNI coordinates | SDM z-scorea | P valueb | Number of voxelsc | Cluster breakdown (number of voxels) | Heterogeneity | Sensitivity | |||
x | y | z | |||||||
TIN > HS | |||||||||
R superior temporal gyrus | 50 | −40 | 12 | 1.084 | 0.000 | 254 | R superior temporal gyrus, BA22, BA41, BA42 (138) | Yes | 7/8 |
R arcuate network, posterior segment (64) | |||||||||
R superior temporal gyrus, BA21, BA42 (20) | |||||||||
Corpus callosum (11) | |||||||||
R middle temporal gyrus | 48 | −70 | 12 | 1.077 | 0.000 | 224 | R middle temporal gyrus, BA37, BA39 (163) | Yes | 7/8 |
R middle occipital gyrus, BA19, BA39 (45) | |||||||||
L superior temporal gyrus | −46 | −34 | 10 | 1.062 | 0.000 | 203 | L superior temporal gyrus, BA41., BA48 (84) | Yes | 6/8 |
L arcuate network, posterior segment (53) | |||||||||
Corpus callosum (32) | |||||||||
L Rolandic operculum, BA48 (10) | |||||||||
R angular gyrus | 56 | −58 | 28 | 1.024 | 0.002 | 106 | R angular gyrus, BA22, BA39, BA40 (95) | No | 6/8 |
TIN < HS | |||||||||
R caudate nucleus | 4 | 8 | −6 | −1.472 | 0.000 | 599 | R striatum (119) | No | 6/8 |
R olfactory cortex, BA25 (41) | |||||||||
R anterior thalamic projections (35) | |||||||||
L anterior thalamic projections (30) | |||||||||
L olfactory cortex, BA25 (23) | |||||||||
Anterior commissure (21) | |||||||||
R caudate nucleus, BA25 (14) | |||||||||
L caudate nucleus, BA25 (12) | |||||||||
Corpus callosum (10) | |||||||||
L superior frontal gyrus, medial | −8 | 56 | 12 | −1.343 | 0.000 | 358 | L superior frontal gyrus, BA10 (261) | No | 7/8 |
Corpus callosum (80) | |||||||||
R supplementary motor area | 8 | 10 | 54 | −1.196 | 0.001 | 106 | Corpus callosum (51) | No | 6/8 |
R supplementary motor area, BA6 (48) |
Peak height threshold: z > 1.
Voxel probability threshold: P < 0.005.
Cluster extent threshold: regions with <10 voxels are not reported in the cluster breakdown.
BA, Brodmann area; GM, gray matter; HS, healthy subjects; L, left; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; R, right; SDM, signed differential mapping; TIN, tinnitus patients; VBM, voxel-based morphometry.