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. 2020 Mar 2;86(6):e02889-19. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02889-19


Plasmids and E. coli strains used in this study

Plasmid or strain Relevant characteristics Reference or source
    pBAD18 AmpR, pBR322, PARA 27
    pBAD-MVK AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1762 This study
    pBAD-mMP2 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, JW2857, MM_1762 This study
    pBAD-mMP3 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1763, JW2857, MM_1762 This study
    pBAD-mUA1 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1524 This study
    pBAD-mUA2 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1525, MM_1524 This study
    pBAD-mUA3 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1871, MM_1525, MM_1524 This study
    pBAD-msUA3 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, YDR538W, MM_1525, MM_1524 This study
    pBAD-mUA4 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1526, MM_1871, MM_1525, MM_1524 This study
    pBAD-msUA4 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1526, YDR538W, MM_1525, MM_1524 This study
    pBAD-mMP7 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1526, MM_1871, MM_1525, MM_1524, MM_1763, JW2857, MM_1762 This study
    pBAD-msMP7 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1526, YDR538W, MM_1525, MM_1524, MM_1763, JW2857, MM_1762 This study
    pBAD-aUA1 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, APE_2089 This study
    pBAD-aUA2 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, APE_2087.1, APE_2089 This study
    pBAD-aUA3 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, APE_1647, APE_2087.1, APE_2089 This study
    pBAD-asUA3 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, YDR538W, APE_2087.1, APE_2089 This study
    pBAD-aUA4 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, APE_2078, APE_1647, APE_2087.1, APE_2089 This study
    pBAD-asUA4 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, APE_2078, YDE538W, APE_2087.1, APE_2089 This study
    pBAD-aMP7 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, APE_2078, APE_1647, APE_2087.1, APE_2089, MM_1763, JW2857, MM_1762 This study
    pBAD-asMP7 AmpR, pBR322, PARA, APE_2078, YDE538W, APE_2087.1, APE_2089, MM_1763, JW2857, MM_1762 This study
    pBAD-mMPdelAMPD AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1871, MM_1525, MM_1524, MM_1763, JW2857, MM_1762 This study
    pBAD-mMPcomAMPD AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1871, MM_1525, MM_1524, MM_1763, JW2857, MM_1762, MM_1526 This study
    pBAD-mMPdelPMDh AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1526, MM_1871, MM_1763, JW2857, MM_1762 This study
    pBAD-mMPcomPMDh AmpR, pBR322, PARA, MM_1526, MM_1871, MM_1763, JW2857, MM_1762, MM_1525, MM_1524 This study
    pACYC-IBE TetR, p15A, CrtE, CrtI, CrtB 15
E. coli strain
    TOP10 F− mcrA Δ(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) Φ80lacZΔM15 Δ lacX74 recA1 araD139 Δ(araleu)7697 galU galK rpsL (StrR) endA1 nupG Life Technologies, USA
    ME9783 (SN1071) F− thr-1 leuB6 thi-1 lacY1 galK2 ara-4 xyl-5 mtl-1 proA2 his-60 argE3 rpsL31 tsx-33 supE44 recB21 recC22 sbcA23 Δ(hsdR::frt) NBRP-E. coli (NIG, Japan) (26)
    DH1 F− recA1 endA1 gyrA96 thi-1 hsdR17(r-K, m-K) supE44 relA1 λ- NBRP-E. coli (NIG, Japan)
    NC TOP10 with pBAD18 and pACYC-IBE This study
    mMP7 TOP10 with pBAD-mMP7 and pACYC-IBE This study
    msMP7 TOP10 with pBAD-msMP7 and pACYC-IBE This study
    aMP7 TOP10 with pBAD-aMP7 and pACYC-IBE This study
    asMP7 TOP10 with pBAD-asMP7 and pACYC-IBE This study
    delAMPD TOP10 with pBAD-mMPdelAMPD and pACYC-IBE This study
    comAMPD TOP10 with pBAD-mMPcomAMPD and pACYC-IBE This study
    delPMDh TOP10 with pBAD-mMPdelPMDh and pACYC-IBE This study
    comPMDh TOP10 with pBAD-mMPcomPMDh and pACYC-IBE This study
    dNC DH1 with pBAD18 This study
    dmMP7 DH1 with pBAD-mMP7 This study