The S. aureus agr QS system contributes to keratinocyte cell damage HaCat cells were incubated for 40 h after inoculation with (A) no bacteria; (B) commensals S. epidermidis and M. luteus; (C) S. aureus WT; (D) S. aureus WT and commensals S. epidermidis and M. luteus; (E) S. aureusΔagr; (F) S. aureusΔagr and commensals S. epidermidis and M. luteus; (G) S. aureus Δagr supplemented with 100 nM of AIP-1; (H) S. aureusΔagr and commensals S. epidermidis and M. luteus supplemented with 100 nM of AIP-1. HaCat cells are shown as a representative single plane. (I) Quantification of HaCat monolayer integrity by measuring the total fluorescence of the z-stack HaCat cells using ImageJ (8–10 Z-stack images analyzed per condition, two experiments) is shown as a percentage of the control lacking bacteria. ∗p-value < 0.05. SA: S. aureus, SE: S. epidermidis; ML: M. luteus; AIP: autoinducing peptide. HaCat cells were stained with CellMask prior to confocal imaging. Scale bar indicates 20 μm. Images were taken at 40 × magnification.