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. 2020 Feb 21;2020:7367139. doi: 10.1155/2020/7367139

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and economic characteristics of school going adolescent girls, Awash town, 2018 (n = 340).

Variable Category Frequency %
Age 10–14 135 39.7
15–19 205 60.3

School grade 1–8 160 47
9–12 180 53

Family size <= 3 42 12.4
4–5 94 27.6
>5 204 60.0

Religion Muslim 162 47.6
Orthodox 122 35.9
Protestant 56 16.5

Living With parent 278 81.8
Renting alone 9 2.6
With relatives 53 15.6

Absence from school in a month ≥5 days 43 33.6
<5 days 85 66.4

Work other than being student Yes 46 13.5
No 294 86.5