Figure 4.
LATE3 and LATE4 show genetic and physical interaction. A to C, Comparison of wild type, late3-1, and late4-2 single mutants and the late3-1 late4-2 double mutant grown under LD conditions. A, Representative 75-d-old plants. B, Node of flower initiation. C, Representative leaflet area (single leaflet from leaf 10). Data represent mean ± se for n = 6 to 10 plants. D, Yeast two-hybrid analysis for interaction between PsCDK8 and PsCYCC1 proteins from wild-type (NGB5839) genotype. The image shows diploid yeast colonies derived via mating of haploid yeast strains PJ694 alpha and PJ694 A carrying different bait and prey plasmids for experimental and control interactions (as indicated). For each interaction tested, two colonies derived from independent matings (top, colony 1; bottom, colony 2) were used grown in selective interaction-specific (SC-L-W-H +10 mm 3A-amino-1,2,4-triazole [3AT], right) and selective mating-specific (SC-L-W, left) medium and incubated at 30°C for 4 d. Key interactions are highlighted in red.