Dynamic composition of the LD proteome derived from Arabidopsis siliques, seeds, and seedlings. The riBAQ intensities of LD-associated proteins in the LD-enriched fraction were calculated as a percentage of the riBAQ of all known LD-associated proteins. This way, the contribution of each protein to the complete LD proteome and the dynamic changes in the abundance of the LD proteins can be observed. Protein isoform numbers separated by a slash indicate that these proteins could not be distinguished based on the proteomic data. Two highly similar genes of the steroleosin family are both annotated as HSD1. I, Phase I siliques; II, phase II siliques; RS, rehydrated seeds; StS, stratified seeds; 24 to 60 h, seedlings 24 to 60 h after stratification. As silique samples also contain proteins derived from silique wall, they should not necessarily be considered to be seed precursors, as indicated by the interrupted line between the II and RS samples. n = 5 per stage. Error bars represent the sd.