Figure 5.
Endocytosis of FM4-64 is reduced in ehd1 and in ZmEHD1 KO mutants. A and B, Three-dimensional reconstructions of z-stacks (60 μm with 2.4-μm steps) were obtained in ehd1 (A) and the ZmEHD1 KO mutants (B). Boxplots of FM-64-labeled BFA bodies in the ehd1 mutant (C) and ZmEHD1 KO mutants (D). Representative photographs at indicated durations are shown. Scale bars = 10 µm. Numbers below the photographs indicate the rate of FM4-64-labeled fluorescent puncta (% and number of FM4-64-labeled fluorescent puncta/total cell number). **P < 0.01 indicates a significant difference from the wild type according to Student’s t test.