Figure 4.
Apical NMII contractions pinch the cell membrane. (A) Sequential projections from time-lapse videos of Myl12.1-EGFP in periderm cells at indicated stages of zebrafish development. Arrowheads: dynamic concentrations of NMII reporter fluorescence at the apical membrane. (B) Dot and box plot of frame average NMII reporter contraction area summed over a 10-min period (30-s intervals) at specified time points during zebrafish development. Contractions were categorized based on whether the majority of contraction area was within the inner 25% of the cell surface (Center) or in the remaining outer 75% (Periphery). **, P < 0.01; Wilcoxon signed-rank test (n = 11,794 contractions in 19 cells from 13 fish at 16 hpf; n = 18,776 contractions in 25 cells from 13 fish at 24 hpf; n = 6,303 contractions in 19 cells from seven fish at 48 hpf). (C) Sequential projections from a time-lapse video of Lifeact-Ruby and Myl12.1-EGFP during an apical NMII pulse in a 16 hpf periderm cell. (D and D’) Superimposition of sequential frames from a time-lapse video (D) and particle image velocimetry (D’) show the centripetal trajectory of actin structures toward the focus of contraction. Scale bars, 10 µm (A) and 2 µm (C). For box plots, middle box line is the median, and lower and upper ends of boxes are 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively.