Figure 7.
Cell stretching promotes formation of microridges along the elongation axis. (A) Projection of Lifeact-GFP in periderm cells on a 16 hpf zebrafish embryo before laser cell ablation. Eye: observed cell. Target: cell to be ablated. (B) Still images from a time-lapse sequence of the cell in A elongating over 10 min. (C and C′) Outline of the elongating cell in B, shown at the initial time-point (C), and 10 min after ablation (C’). Microridges longer than 2 µm are highlighted in blue. (D) Averaged histogram of directions of peg coalescence events (normalized to maximal bin, direction of elongation at 0°). (E) Projected area for five cells used in this analysis. Areas were normalized to the initial value. (F) Elongation factor (ratio of longest axis to shortest axis for the transformation of the cell) for five analyzed cells. Scale bars, 10 µm (A and B).