All methodologies |
Confirm results with multiple techniques e.g. WGBS, MeDIP, mass spectrometry, PacBio, Nanopore |
[13, 14, 19] |
Enrich mitochondria or mtDNA prior to assaying to avoid unintentional detection of the nuclear genome |
[13, 14, 19] |
Present evidence of success of enrichment (e.g. qPCR of mtDNA vs nuclear DNA) |
[13, 14] |
Bisulphite methodologies |
Spike sample with control DNA for evaluation of conversion efficiency |
[14, 19] |
Linearize mtDNA prior to bisulphite conversion to avoid secondary structure effects |
[13, 14, 16, 19, 25] |
In WGBS separately analyse and present data from light and heavy strands |
[13, 14] |
Measure CpG and non-CpG methylation |
[10, 13, 14] |
Differentiate between 5mC and 5hmC |
[14, 19, 26] |
Use PCR primers or controls to account for non-CpG methylation |
No examples of primers at present. Suitable positive and negative controls in [13, 19, 22] |