A) Baseline phospho-protein expression in CD8+ T-cells
transduced to express the CD19–28ζ CAR compared to untransduced
controls. Representative data from one of three independent donors.
B) EMD scores for baseline (unstimulated) phospho-protein expression
calculated between T-cells (CD4+, CD8+ or
transduced with CD19–28ζ and donor-matched untransduced controls
from the same T-cell subset, and plotted against transduction efficiency (% of
transduced cells expresssing CAR). Each point represents an EMD score for a
T-cell subset in an individual donor (n=3). The points are colored to indicate
the T-cells subset (CD4: green, CD8: blue, Vδ2: yellow). Pearson
R2 values and p-values for the Pearson correlation are provided.
US: unstimulated, NT: non-transduced.
C) Comparison of phospho-protein abundance upon CAR transduction.
Expanded T-cells transduced with CD19–28ζ and donor-matched
expanded, untransduced controls were stimulated by αCD3, αCD28 or
αCD3+αCD28 for 60s, 180s or 360s. Donor, stimulus, T-cell subset
and time-matched EMD scores for transduced and untransduced samples are plotted
against each other. The color of the points indicates the stimulus provided
(blue: CD3, red: CD3+CD28, green: CD28). The yellow line shows the linear
regression; black line, y = x. p-values indicate significant differences in
slope determined by ANOVA. US, unstimulated. Data from 3 independent donors.
D) Signal strengths of responses produced from CD3+CD28 stimulus in
untransduced cells and from CD19–28ζ CAR stimulus in donor-matched
transduced T-cells. Untransduced cells were used as the comparator in this case
because higher baseline phospho-protein levels in transduced cells reduce the
responsiveness of CD19–28ζ CAR-T cells to stimulus of their native
receptors (C). Values represent mean±SEM of EMD scores,
E) TIM3 and PD1 exhaustion marker levels in T cells expressing a
CD19–28ζ, GD2–28ζ (huk666) or GD2–28ζ
(14G2A) CAR. The gating for TIM3/PD1 are shown in Supplementary Figure S11, bars
represent mean + SEM for n = 18 for non-transduced and n = 4 for each CAR.