Figure 11.
Key approximate areas identified in cerebellar lesion–symptom mapping literature on axial 7 T MPRAGE images (a–d). Motor manifestations predominantly involve the anterior lobe and can be roughly predicted by knowledge of somatotopic organization. The upper limb ataxia region primarily involves the anterior lobe, but extends slightly over the primary fissure to the posterior lobe. Cerebellar dysarthria and abnormal eyeblink conditioning reportedly extend across the primary fissure. Eyeblink conditioning has also been mapped to Crus I. Truncal ataxia maps to the medial cerebellum throughout the majority of the vermis. Non-motor consequences such as CCAS map to areas of the posterior lobe. The intraculminate (black arrow), primary (white arrow), and horizontal (peach arrow) fissures as well as the white matter stems to Crus I (yellow arrow) and Crus II (blue arrow) are labelled. Images are modified from Timmann et al.16 CCAS,cerebellar cognitive affective disorder; MPRAGE, magnetization-prepared rapidacquisition with gradient echo.