Fig. 8 ∣. Response properties of the VTC vary with childhood experience with Pokémon.
a, fMRI responses (percent signal change) measured from an independent definition of Pokémon-selective cortex in both experienced and novice participants. ROI, region of interest. b, Responses from bilateral pFus- and mFus-faces to faces and Pokémon in experienced and novice participants. Face-selective voxels were defined using odd runs of the fMRI experiment, and percent signal change was calculated from the even runs. Experienced and novice participant responses to both faces and Pokémon in pFus-faces are not significantly different. Responses to faces and Pokémon between groups in mFus are also non-significant. The black dotted y axis denotes that the axis does not begin at zero. Shaded regions are s.e.m. Avg. exp. ROI, average experienced ROI; n.s., non-significant.