Correct exclusion of recurrent squamous cell carcinoma by Tl-201 SPECT.
A, Contrast-enhanced CT in a patient with a right-tonsil carcinoma previously treated with surgery and radiation therapy 14 months prior to this study. The patient presented with a right-sided nodal recurrence. This patient was a candidate for salvage surgery if no recurrent tumor was present at the primary site. Pretreatment studies were unavailable for comparison. CT shows an asymmetric soft-tissue mass involving the right tonsil (arrows). This is associated with asymmetry of the right glossotonsillar sulcus (arrowhead). Compare this to the normal appearance of the normal contralateral side.
B, Axial thallium-201 SPECT through the low oropharynx obtained in same patient illustrated in 2A shows no abnomal radiotracer uptake in the right tonsil. This patient has been followed up for over 2 years after completion of treatment and has no evidence of recurrent tumor at the primary site.