A, Angiogram of a lateral and a bifurcation aneurysm after treatment with GDCs. Coils are purposely positioned so as to protrude into the parent artery (arrowheads). A filling defect (arrow) along the wall of the parent artery of the lateral aneurysm represents thrombus.
B, Intravascular sonogram at the level of the filling defect on a DSA clearly shows the thrombus (arrowhead) as hyperechoic signal within the lumen.
C, Intravascular sonogram at the upper extent of the aneurysm's ostium shows coils filling the ostium (dashed line indicates limits of the aneurysmal ostium; X‘s identify the spaces between coils).
D, Intravascular sonogram at the lower extent of the aneurysm's ostium shows a portion of the outflow tract that was not occluded (X) (dashed line defines the limits of the aneurysmal ostium). In the intravascular sonograms the distance between the white marker dots is 2 mm, and the intravascular sonographic catheter is defined by an asterisk.