Figure 6. Progressive loss and reduced diameters of peripheral axons in Prx-/- mice.
(A–D) Genotype-dependent quantitative assessment of light micrographs of toluidine-stained semi-thin sectioned quadriceps nerves dissected at 2, 4 and 9 months of age reveals progressive loss of peripheral axons in Prx-/- compared to control mice. (A) Representative micrographs. Arrows point at myelinated axons; asterisk denotes an unmyelinated axon; arrowhead points at a myelin whorl lacking a recognizable axon. Scale bars, 10 µm. (B) Total number of axons per nerve that are not associated with a Remak bundle. (C) Total number of myelinated axons per nerve. (D) Total number per nerve of myelin whorls that lack a recognizable axon. Mean +/SD, n = 3–4 mice per genotype and age; *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 by Student’s unpaired t-test. (E–G) Genotype-dependent assessment of myelinated axons shows a shift toward reduced axonal diameters in quadriceps nerves of Prx-/- compared to control mice at 2 months (E), 4 months (F) and 9 months (G) of age. Data are presented as frequency distribution with 0.5 µm bin width. ***, p<0.001 by two-sided Kolmogorow-Smirnow test. For precise p-values see methods section.