(A) WT strain BY4741 was cultured overnight in rich (YPD) medium containing the indicated concentrations of urea, and the density of each culture was determined with a spectrophotometer. (B) BY4741 (‘WT’) or the cdc10(D182N) strain CBY06417 (‘cdc10’) were streaked on plates containing no or 0.64 M urea and incubated at the indicated temperature for 3 days before imaging. (C) Cells from saturated YPD cultures of strains used in (A) were plated to form a monolayer on the surface of a rich (YPD) agar plate, and a 1-cm-diameter filter disk spotted with 5 µL of the indicated drug was placed in the center of the plate. The plate was imaged after incubation at 37°C for 3 days. (D) As in Figure 1A, for strains of the indicated genotypes grown on medium containing 0 or 0.375 mM of each indicated drug. (E) As in Figure 4A, but zoomed into the area between Thr302 and His262, and including the Gdm derivatives aminoguanidine (‘aGdm’) and N-ethylguanidine (‘eGdm’). (F) As in (B), but with the addition of strain CBY06420 (‘cdc10(G100E)') and with arginine hydrochloride instead of urea.