Professional role and identity |
What role do you have in providing newborn care? |
Social norms |
Who else works with you in caring for newborns? How have you found your working relationship with others when providing newborn care? |
What works/does not work? |
Beliefs about capabilities |
How do you feel when looking after newborn babies? |
Can you describe your confidence, skills, and knowledge? |
What are the challenges you experience when caring for newborns? |
Structural/equipment/skills/resources |
What do you think needs to change for better newborn care? |
Examples of change |
Skills, knowledge, and emotion |
In Solomon Islands, some babies are born that do not breath, or are born “flat.” Have you experienced this? What did you do? |
Did you use a bag/mask? |
How did you feel during, and after? |
Did you feel comfortable using the bag/mask? |
Beliefs about consequences |
How would you prioritize future activities for newborn care in Solomon Islands? |
Training, resources, personnel, and equipment |
What would you like to see changing in newborn care in the next 2 years? |
Environmental context and resources |
What training have you had in newborn care? |
How have you found the EENC coaching method compared with previous training methods? |
Did you observe any difference between these trainings? |
What has the greatest impact on your clinical practice and why? |
Has newborn care changed in the last three years? |
How has it changed? What has/has not helped? |
Goals |
What has been the biggest challenge to newborn care? |
Training, resources, personnel, and equipment |
What do you think will make the most difference in improving newborn care? |