Nutrients-and-muscle-health networks for the combined data, showing simultaneous associations between nutrient intakes, measures of physical functioning, and the general covariates, which are inferred from copula graphical models. Edges represent conditional dependencies between nodes revealed by partial correlation coefficients. The absence of an edge between 2 nodes shows a conditional independence relation between them. The type of line used represents the certainty of the link, which is the frequency at which the conditional dependence relation (partial correlation) is found over 200 independent bootstraps. Alcoh, alcohol;, animal protein; B-1, thiamin; B-2, riboflavin; B-6, vitamin B-6; B-12, vitamin B-12; bal, balance; C, vitamin C; D, vitamin D; mg, magnesium; sat.fat, saturated fat; smok, smoking; SPPB, short physical performance battery;, vegetable protein.