Donor or recipient strain | Resistance profilea |
E. coli UB5201 | NAL |
E. coli UB5201 SGI1-LK1 | NAL, AMP, CHL, KAN, GEN, STR, SUL, TMP, TET |
E. coli UB5201/pEA409TEM24 | NAL, AMP, SAM, CAZ, KAN, AMK, STR, SUL, TMP |
E. coli UB1637rif | RIF |
E. coli UB1637rif SGI1-LK1 | RIF, AMP, CHL, KAN, GEN, STR, SUL, TMP, TET |
E. coli UB1637rif SGI1-LK1/pEA409TEM24 | RIF, AMP, CAZ, CHL, KAN, GEN, AMK, STR, SUL, TMP, TET |
P. mirabilis Pm294MATLI(SGI1-LK1) | AMX, CHL, KAN, GEN, SPT, STR, SUL, TMP, TET |
P. mirabilis Pm294MATLI(SGI1-LK1)/pEA409TEM24 | AMP, SAM, CAZ, CHL, KAN, GEN, AMK, STR, SUL, TMP, TET |
Antimicrobial resistance conferred by pEA409TEM24 or SGI1-LK1 is shown in boldface type. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were performed in accordance with Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines except for the P. mirabilis Pm294MATLI(SGI1-LK1) strain, which was previously tested in accordance with the guidelines of the French Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility/European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (CA-SFM/EUCAST). The underlined antibiotics were used to keep the pEA409TEM24 plasmid and SGI1-LK1 and to select the strain. NAL, nalidixic acid; AMP, ampicillin; CHL, chloramphenicol; KAN, kanamycin; GEN, gentamycin; STR, streptomycin; SUL, sulbactam; TMP, trimethoprim; TET, tetracycline; SAM, ampicillin-sulbactam; CAZ, ceftazidime; AMK, amikacin; RIF, rifampin; AMX, amoxicillin; SPT, spectinomycin.