Canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) combined with genetic approaches allows a variety of experimental designs for circuit analyses. (A) Venn diagram of two intersectional methods: part (A1) provides projection-specific expression using two conditions, while part (A2) provides cell-type and projection-specific expression using three conditions. (B) The simplest experimental design that labels both local (area c) and projection neurons (areas a and b). (C) The schematics of experimental designs for projection-specific expression with the help of Cre (+) recombinase. (D) The schematics of experimental designs for cell-type and projection-specific expression with the help of both Cre (+) and Flp (*) recombinases. (E) The schematics of transsynaptic experimental design which selectively labels the input onto projection-specific neuronal population defined by retrograde CAV-Cre. (F) The schematics of transsynaptic experimental design which selectively labels the input onto cell-type and projection-specific neuronal population.