M12 Residue, Found Specifically in HLA-A∗68:02, Promotes Its Accessibility to TAPBPR
(A) PyMOL figures highlighting amino acid differences between A∗68:02 and A∗68:01 (left), A∗69:01 (center), and A∗02:01 (right), respectively; conserved residues are colored in blue, different residues between A∗68:02 and A∗68:01 in red, and differences between A∗68:02 and other strong binders in green.
(B) Histograms showing cell surface levels of A∗68:02WT, A∗68:02M12V, A∗68:02P105S, A∗02:01WT, A∗02:01V12M, and A∗02:01S105P.
(C) Histograms show TAPBPR binding to the HLA I variants in (B), after cells were treated with 100 nM TAPBPR for 30 min.
(D) Bar graphs showing TAPBPR binding to the HLA I allotypes tested in (C), upon treatment with either 100 nM (light gray) or 1 μM TAPBPR (dark gray).
Bars show MFI ± SD from three independent experiments. n/s, not significant; ∗p ≤ 0.05, ∗∗∗∗p ≤ 0.0001 using unpaired two-tailed t test.