Figure 1.
Absence of host nuclear factor kappa B p50 slows PCa growth and prolongs murine survival after PDC orthotopic inoculation. (A) Hi-Myc PCa was administered by subcutaneous injection into the flanks of WT or p50−/ − mice. Individual tumor volumes as measured every 2–4 days are shown (left). These data from a single experiment were fit to an exponential model, with semilog plots with their 95% CIs shaded and comparison of expected mean tumor volumes on day 33 as predicted by this model shown (right). (B) K-RasG12D PDC was inoculated into the pancreatic tail of WT or p50−/ − mice. Kaplan-Meier survival curves and log-rank p values are shown, with data combined from three experiments. PCa, prostate cancer; PDC, pancreatic ductal carcinoma; WT, wild type.