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. 2020 Feb 21;43(4):1187–1198. doi: 10.3892/or.2020.7511

Table I.

Association of the clinicopathological features and Ki67 expression in all involved CRC cases.

N Ki67+ Ki67++ Ki67+++ Ki67++++ P-value
Sex, n (%) 0.684
  Male 550 61 (46.6) 141 (49.5) 202 (50.9) 146 (52.7)
  Female 540 70 (53.4) 144 (50.5) 195 (49.1) 131 (47.3)
Mean age (years) 1,090 61.64±15.80 62.79±14.33 62.21±14.28 62.07±14.31 0.880
ASA stage, n (%) 0.860
  I 797 94 (71.8) 212 (74.4) 293 (73.8) 198 (71.3)
  II 264 33 (25.2) 64 (22.5) 93 (23.4) 74 (26.7)
  III 29 4 (3.1) 9 (3.2) 11 (2.8) 5 (1.8)
Location, n (%) 0.439
  Ileocecum 73 11 (8.4) 20 (7.0) 24 (6.0) 18 (6.5)
  Right colon 95 4 (3.1) 31 (10.9) 41 (10.3) 19 (6.9)
  Transverse colon 174 25 (19.1) 42 (14.7) 60 (15.1) 47 (17.0)
  Left colon 206 24 (18.3) 57 (20.0) 75 (18.9) 50 (18.1)
  Sigmoid colon 108 16 (12.2) 20 (7.0) 40 (10.1) 32 (11.6)
  Rectum 434 51 (38.9) 115 (40.4) 157 (39.5) 111 (40.1)
Surgical method, n (%) 0.768
  RHC 207 21 (16.0) 58 (20.4) 80 (20.2) 48 (17.3)
  LHC 431 55 (42.0) 108 (37.9) 155 (39.0) 113 (40.8)
  HO 24 3 (2.3) 7 (2.5) 6 (1.5) 8 (2.9)
  AR 327 43 (32.8) 91 (31.9) 112 (28.2) 81 (29.2)
  APR 101 9 (6.9) 21 (7.4) 44 (11.1) 27 (9.7)
Operation time (min) 1,090 153.6±34.8 151.2±38.6 155.0±33.2 154.1±33.2 0.568
Invasive depth, n (%) <0.001a
  Tis and T1 127 24 (18.3) 53 (18.6) 31 (7.8) 19 (6.9)
  T2 210 5 (3.8) 66 (23.2) 112 (28.2) 27 (9.7)
  T3 421 78 (59.5) 92 (32.3) 132 (33.2) 119 (43.0)
  T4 332 24 (18.3) 74 (6.0) 122 (30.7) 112 (40.4)
Differentiation, n (%) <0.001a
  Well 194 58 (44.3) 97 (34.0) 30 (7.6) 9 (3.2)
  Moderate 696 69 (52.7) 177 (62.1) 282 (71.0) 168 (60.6)
  Poor or undifferentiation 200 4 (3.1) 11 (3.9) 85 (21.4) 100 (36.1)
Tumor size (cm) 1,090 3.58±1.1 3.38±1.2 3.74±0.9 3.79±0.9 <0.001a
AJCC-8, n (%) 0.003a
  0 16 5 (3.8) 11 (3.9) 0 (0) 0 (0)
  I 131 17 (13.0) 85 (29.8) 28 (7.1) 1 (0.4)
  II 225 93 (71.0) 112 (39.3) 12 (3.0) 8 (2.9)
  III 663 14 (10.7) 75 (26.3) 323 (81.4) 25 (90.6)
  IV 55 2 (1.5) 2 (0.7) 34 (8.6) 17 (6.1)
No. of lymph nodes harvested 1,090 14.04±1.9 14.17±1.8 14.25±1.8 14.19±1.9 0.727
No of positive lymph nodes 1,090 0.25±0.9 0.61±1.4 2.45±2.2 2.86±2.5 <0.001a
Complications 0.587
  Yes 104 13 (9.9) 28 (9.8) 32 (8.1) 31 (11.2)
  No 986 118 (90.1) 257 (90.2) 365 (91.9) 246 (88.8)
Chemotherapy, n (%) 0.005a
  Yes 895 107 (81.7) 189 (66.3) 343 (86.4) 256 (92.4)
  No 195 24 (18.3) 96 (33.7) 54 (13.6) 21 (7.6)

P<0.05, statistical difference. Data for age, operation time, tumor size, no. of lymph harvested and no. of positive lymph nodes are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. CRC, colorectal cancer; AJCC-8, American Joint Committee on Cancer 8 edition; ASS, American Society of Anesthesiologists. Surgical method: RHC, right hemicolectomy; LHC, left hemicolectomy; HO, Hartmann; AR, anterior rectal resection APR, anterior rectal perineal resection.