Fig. 4. The low-affinity methionine transporter, BcaP, supports the growth of the GFP− cells.
a, b Snapshots of single-cell fluorescence microscopy in the L. lactis ∆bcaP Pmet-gfp strain. a cells grown at low methionine concentrations (0.025 mM) and b at high methionine concentrations (1 mM). Scale bars, 15 µm. c, d Single-cell fluorescence measurements by flow cytometry in the bcaP deletion mutant strain (c; L. lactis ∆bcaP Pmet-gfp) and wild-type strain (d; L. lactis Pmet-gfp), grown in CMD with low and high methionine concentrations (0.025 and 1 mM, in red and blue respectively), 10,000 ungated events recorded are shown. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.