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. 2010 Jan 20;2010(1):CD000099. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000099.pub3

Hazout 2003 8 IU.

Methods Randomisation: stated as randomised.
Allocation concealment: unclear.
Blinding: double.
Intention to treat analysis: not performed.
Power calculation: not performed.
Study setting: single centre ‐ Paris, France.
Withdrawals: none. Cancelled cycles: <10%.
Participants Number of women n = 35 (12 growth hormone four IU, 11 growth hormone eight IU, 12 placebo).
Inclusion criteria: women were <39 years old with normal hormonal status and history of oocyte dysmorphia defined by <50% of abnormal oocyte at previous attempts.
Interventions Intervention: four or eight IU sub cutaneous. Induction protocol: unclear. Dose of human chorionic gonadotropin: 1000 IU IM when at least two follicles were >16mm in diameter.
Outcomes Pregnancy rate.
Notes Same trial as Hazout 2003. but refers to women randomised to growth hormone 8 IU treatment arm.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation? Unclear risk Stated as randomised
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk Not stated within the text
 All outcomes Low risk Double blinded
Free of selective reporting? Low risk There is no indication the study has reported outcomes selectively
Free of other bias? High risk No adverse effects reported